
Amazone SmartCut

Ideal for larger areas such as football, rugby, public spaces and other larger areas. With easy height adjustment, the Amazone SmartCut is easy to set up.

Scarification removes thatch and dead grass from turf surfaces, football and rugby pitches, cricket squares, bowling greens and grass tennis courts. By carrying out this operation you also remove the weaker shallow-rooted meadow grass and mosses leaving behind a stronger deeper rooting ryegrass.


The SISIS TM1000 is perfect for use on Cricket Square, Bowling Greens, Croquet Lawns, Tennis Courts and other small playing areas.

The TM1000 is capable of scarifying into the surface to leave a groove for seed and top dressing to fall in place whilst removing thatch and other organic matter from the playing area.

Bellon-Mit BM40

With 3mm blades and 7mm spacing the blades on our BM40 snatch out poa plants leaving any deeper rooted good grass plants to fill in the gaps. Accuracy of cut/depth is controlled by the front roller adjusters, which can be set and locked off to increments of 1/10th of 1 mm. This is ideal for cricket squares but also works really well on football, rugby and other sports pitches.